

The Philosophy

  • Communication is paramount. Delivering complex software solutions requires open and honest communication to resolve problems and mitigate risk.

  • Invest in future proofing. Correct architecture provides solutions with longevity that provides a solid backbone with ongoing flexibility to assist with changing requirements.

  • Reputation is everything. Marketing can lift your profile, but endorsement is about satisfied clients.

  • Done means in production. Testing is important, but the real test is user engagement post deployment. Early deployment brings forward ROI.

  • Prefer Open Source. Open source products reduce costs, are arguably more secure, and avoid ‘vendor lock-in'.

The Mesh

The Tech

  • DLTx leverages the power of industry-standard programming languages such as C#, Python, NodeJS, React, Swift and Solidity.

  • Back-end controllers will usually be written in NodeJS which, simply put, executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. It is an open source and highly performant JavaScript runtime environment used by industry giants such as Netflix, eBay, Uber and LinkedIn.

  • Front-end will be delivered in the modern JavaScript framework “React” (developed by Facebook). React Native is used to develop native iOS and Android apps in parallel, reducing delivery times and minimizing outlay.

  • Digital Ocean is preferred for hosting, providing excellent uptime, scaling and pricing structure. Alternatively, the solution can be deployed on services such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Heroku.

The Build

  • DLTx is a strict Agile software house that encourages Client/Stakeholder participation in the build process. A collaborative approach improves results by reducing waste, assumptions and expense.

  • Work is boxed into two-week Sprints, ensuring all Stakeholders understand the deliverables. A straightforward list of outcomes allows a mutual commitment to delivery by all involved.

  • Deeper understanding of the product is gained through Client/Stakeholder attendance at the sprint planning meetings where requirements are transformed into discrete, outcome-centric units of work called 'User Stories'. These focused and coherent sprint planning sessions ensure structured facilitation and clearly actionable outputs.

  • takeholders are encouraged to join the daily Stand-up Meetings (usually 10:00AM-10:15AM) either in-person or via ZOOM. Mesh members share their progress, concerns or potential blockers, which allows Project Leads to react immediately. This ceremony provide developers with product or business information without delay.

  • Jira is a flexible and powerful tool used to track workflow and provide overview via reporting. Team members self-assign work, usually choosing the task best suited to their competencies. Stakeholders are encouraged to use their access to monitor velocity, burn down and other metrics along with the progress of each individual User Story.

The IP

  • All artefacts, code, scripts, images etc. are delivered at the end of each sprint via a GitHub or similar. Not only does this safeguard your investment, it allows immediate and direct collaboration with a Client's in-house or external Dev teams.

  • GitHub (recently acquired by Microsoft for $7.5 billion in stock) is the leading code repository.

  • Terms and conditions secure your IP. Code cannot be re-used elsewhere without express permission and acknowledgement.

Done Means In Production!